Environmental Council Membership
No single organization, politician or business leader is endowed with all the answers to solving every challenge facing our environment and communities, but together we can move the needle. Since 1980 the Environmental Council has been a convening place for our state’s most impactful environment and conservation organizations.

Become a member
We know that organizations like yours possess unique knowledge and influence to make Michigan a national environmental policy leader. When you become a member you’ll join a powerful network of advocates calling for enduring and equitable policies that protect the health of our communities and offer unparalleled stewardship of our air, water and beloved places.
2024 Environmental Council members
Alliance for the Great Lakes
AFFEW: Friends for the Environment
Adrian Dominican Sisters
Alliance to Halt Fermi 3
Anglers of the Au Sable
Beaver Island Conservancy
Bees in the D
Citizens for a Clean and Safe Lake Superior
Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination
Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Clean Water Action – Michigan
CLEARCorps Detroit
Clinton River Watershed Council
Coalition to Save the Menominee River
The Conservancy Initiative
Council for the Region of the Great Lakes
Detroit 2030 District
Detroit Bird Alliance
Detroit Greenways Coalition
Detroit Riverfront Conservancy
Detroit Wayne County Port Authority
Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice
East Michigan Environmental Action Council
Ecology Center
Environmentally Concerned Citizens of South Central Michigan
Evergreen Action
Friends of the Detroit River
Friends of the Jordan River Watershed
Friends of the Rouge
Friends of the St. Clair River
Grand Rapids Climate Coalition
Great Lakes Council of Fly Fishers International
Great Lakes Environmental Law Center
Great Lakes Mediation
Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities
Healthy Pine River
Huron River Watershed Council
Hydrate Detroit
Izaak Walton League – Dwight Lydell Chapter
Kalamazoo Climate Crisis Coalition
Kalamazoo River Watershed Council
Keweenaw Green Burial Alliance
League of Michigan Bicyclists
League of Women Voters of Michigan
Legacy Land Conservancy
Lone Tree Council
Make Food Not Waste
Michigan Association of Land Banks
Michigan Audubon
Michigan Botanical Society
Michigan Citizens Against Toxic Sustances
Michigan Climate Action Network
Michigan Clinicians for Climate Action
Michigan Energy Options
Michigan Lakes & Streams Association
Michigan League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
Michigan Microplastics Coalition
Michigan Nurses Association
Michigan Organic Food & Farm Alliance
Michigan Recycling Coalition
Michigan Resource Stewards
Michigan Trout Unlimited
Michigan Waterfront Alliance
Mid-Michigan Environmental Action Council
Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Mighty Earth
National Parks Conservation Association
Newaygo County Environmental Coalition
Northern Michigan Environmental Action Council
Oxfam America
Planet Detroit
Rails to Trails
Rouge River Watershed Partners
Saginaw Community Alliance for the People
Sahayata Balamitra Charitable Trust
Saugatuck Dunes Coastal Alliance
Scenic Michigan
SEEDS Ecology & Education Centers
Sierra Club Michigan Chapter
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy
Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision
The Stewardship Network
Superior Watershed Partnership
Take Action Global
Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council
Transportation Riders United
Treeline Conservancy
Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition
Upper Peninsula Land Conservancy
Voices for Carbon Neutrality
West Michigan Environmental Action Council
Zero Waste Detroit
Zero Waste.Org
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