We have driven a statewide environmental agenda for more than 40 years, developing unwavering credibility and trust as experts in policies that protect the air we breathe, our water, and the places we love. Our policy experts are constantly engaging decisionmakers one-on-one, giving testimony and feedback on key bills and working collaboratively with environmental allies to build support for our priorities. Together, we drive high-level environmental wins like comprehensive climate protections, universal lead testing and more.

We’re expanding protections for Michigan’s land, air, water and people—and holding the line against efforts to roll them back.
In our vision for enacting bold environmental protections, Michigan is once again a national leader in policies that put our people and communities first. We will do this by:
- Maintaining our place as one of the most influential environmental organizations inside the Lansing Capitol, ensuring elected officials are well-educated and informed on our top issues;
- Ensuring our environmental policy agenda is grounded in equity and informed by science; and
- Bringing our allies and members into the policy agenda-setting process to ensure we can build priorities that unite and reflect our movement.
Discover our policy priorities
Our policy priorities focus our work in seven critical areas of impact to ensure we are doing the most we can to protect the air we breathe, our water, and the places we love.
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