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Meet the Environmental Council team

When the Environmental Council first began, we had a single staff member. In the 40 years since, we’ve grown to nearly 20. Together, we build the environmental movement; inform and excite the public; and, of course, make good policy changes happen in Michigan’s government.

Our staff

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  • Ross Gavin
    Urban Land Use & Infrastructure Policy Director
    Programs & Policy
  • Emily Smith
    Land & Water Conservation Policy Manager
    Programs & Policy

Our mission

To champion lasting protections for Michigan’s air, water and places we love.

Our vision

Michigan is a national environmental policy leader where a powerful network of advocates has built a track record of enacting enduring and equitable policies that protect the health of our communities and offer unparalleled stewardship of our land, air and water in the face of climate change.

Staff of the Michigan Environmental Council pose for a photo at a Downtown Detroit soiree in 2024.Michigan Environmental Council staff give a toast during a wedding shower in 2023.
Join Our Team

If you want to protect Michigan’s air, water and beloved places, consider joining us.


The Michigan Environmental Council poses for a mid-bike ride photo at Detroit's Cullen Plaza.jpg
The Michigan Environmental Council poses for a mid-bike ride photo at Detroit’s Cullen Plaza.

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