Budget investments show averting climate, water crises a continued priority

Authored by

Grace Noyola
Connect With the Experts

Megan Tinsley

Charlotte Jameson
On Wednesday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer laid out her proposed state budget, with billions of dollars in investments for climate resiliency, clean water, land and wildlife protection, and more.
Among the largest environmental investments are $1.65 billion for climate and clean energy, $1.12 billion for clean water, $340.11 million for health and justice, and $120.63 million for land and wildlife protection.
Charlotte Jameson, chief policy officer for the Michigan Environmental Council, issues the following statement in response.
“We’re excited that Gov. Whitmer’s proposed budget contains significant investments to combat the climate crisis and move towards renewable energy, improve drinking water quality and preserve our natural areas,” she said. “The important building blocks are all there for further negotiations with the legislature. Going forward, the Environmental Council will ensure decision-makers take a hard look at scaling up the proposed investment in home energy systems and repairs to ensure we are allocating investment levels that meet the scale of the need in the affordable and low-income housing sector.”
Megan Tinsley, water policy director for the Michigan Environmental Council, said that the clean water investments in this year’s budget can help address Michigan’s water crisis, as a whole.
“Gov. Whitmer’s budget outlines investments to improve Michigan’s water infrastructure and protect our water holistically, from source to tap. We applaud the focus on groundwater resource management and protection, especially given that close to half our residents depend on groundwater for their drinking water. Coupling source water protection with investments in water infrastructure, water affordability, and drinking water quality, will ensure we can better address Michigan’s water needs at every stage.”
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