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Health & Justice

Heavy industry in Michigan has long taken its toll on our environment and residents alike. It’s disproportionately affected low-income, Black and Brown communities who are facing compound pollution every day. The result: Families in these communities are regularly exposed to toxins and chemicals that travel through air, water and homes. They experience higher rates of health complications like asthma and lead poisoning as a result. As we work to protect our most vulnerable Michiganders, we must hold industry accountable for stewarding our state and taking responsibility for pollution.

A young girl with brown curly hair leans over to get a drink from a public drinking fountain

Our vision for change

Protect Michiganders by enacting policies that hold industry accountable for pollution; protect children from lead exposure; and keep toxins out of food, water, homes and communities.

Pass a comprehensive pollution prevention bill package

that holds industry fully responsible for cleaning up its pollution, taking the burden off Michigan taxpayers.

Add a cumulative impact assessment

to select permitting processes to protect frontline communities from compounding pollutants.

Increase funding

for contaminated site cleanup.

Increase funding

for statewide lead poisoning prevention, testing, relocation and abatement programs.


Check out news, policy updates and impact stories focused on health and justice.

Strategic Health & Justice campaigns

Cumulative Impacts Assessment

We must ensure our leaders take cumulative impacts into account in air quality permitting to better protect communities facing multi-source pollution.

Polluter Pay

We must require companies to undertake full and robust cleanup of chemical spills.


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