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Our Experts

Michigan’s environmental movement is comprised of some of the most passionate experts who have dedicated their lives to protecting our communities and precious natural resources. At the Environmental Council, we are proud to have many of those individuals on our team, on our board and within our membership.

The audience of the 2022 annual event talks.

Our team

Jennifer McKay speaks to the audience of the 2023 annual event in Dearborn.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors guides our team to think boldly and strategically as we navigate challenges and opportunities. Comprised of industry leaders, movement pioneers and member group representatives from across the state, it helps ensure our work reflects the needs of every Michigander.

Meet the Board
Deborah Stewart Anderson and Eric Schertzing high five each other during the 2023 member meeting in Detroit.


Our nearly 100 Environmental Council member organizations are driving impact on the ground every day around issues of public health, energy, urban justice, land protection, water and more. They represent communities from the southern point of the Lower Peninsula all the way to the remote corners of the Upper Peninsula and everywhere in between.

Meet the members
Staff of the Michigan Environmental Council pose for a photo at a 2024 Downtown Detroit soiree.

Our staff

When the Environmental Council first began, we had a single staff member. In the 40 years since, we've grown to nearly 20. Together, we build the environmental movement; inform and excite the public; and, of course, make good policy changes happen in Michigan's government.

Meet the staff
Donele Wilkins rings a bell held by Conan Smith at the 2023 annual event in Dearborn.

Our honorees

Lasting environmental protection is earned through a synergy of local activism and institutional leadership, which is why the Environmental Council annually bestows several environmental awards to celebrate outstanding advocates.

Meet our honorees

Members of Lead Education Day walk away from the Michigan Capitol in 2024.

Careers with the Environmental Council

If you want to protect Michigan’s air, water and beloved places, consider joining us.



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