DTE energy plan key to climate action in Michigan

Authored by

Beau Brockett Jr.
Connect With the Experts

Charlotte Jameson
On Thursday, one of Michigan’s largest utility companies submitted its long-range energy roadmap for consideration.
DTE Energy’s integrated resource plan is now before the Michigan Public Service Commission, which regulates investor-owned utilities in the state. The filing comes as studies show the company has some of the highest electricity costs and poorest reliability.
The Michigan Environmental Council has a long history of intervening in the Michigan Public Service Commission’s decision making, scrutinizing utility proposals and ensuring they are in the best interest of residential ratepayers and the environment. It will do so again with DTE’s filing. Charlotte Jameson, the Environmental Council’s chief policy officer, issued the following statement in response.
“Michigan’s climate plan and our own modeling make clear we must rapidly move away from fossil fuels to protect communities and nature from the worst of climate change. DTE’s plan of action is a good opening proposition to do this. It begins the process of retiring the last of the company’s coal plants and invests heavily in solar energy and battery storage.
“But DTE continues to rely too much on costly methane gas. It keeps coal plants running past 2030, the year climate models show must be the end of the road for the fossil fuel. And it pulls back on energy efficiency standards, leaving savings on the table for Michiganders. DTE’s plan is a great start for conversations, and the Environmental Council looks forward to having them as we dig into research and modeling with our allies.”
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