Consumers Energy settlement a milestone in climate action
Authored by
Charlotte Jameson
Connect With the Experts
Charlotte Jameson
A settlement agreement filed by a major Michigan utility company will be a critical step in combating the climate crisis, reducing coal plant pollution in air and water, and supporting green jobs.
Consumers Energy’s settlement agreement is part of an integrated resource plan case at the Michigan Public Service Commission. The Commission, which regulates private energy utility companies, would need to officially approve the settlement for it to take effect.
The agreement ensures the company retires all its coal plants by 2025, adds 8,000 megawatts of solar energy by 2040, continues energy efficiency efforts, develops a community transition plan for the retirement of the Campbell coal plant and creates a low-income bill assistance fund. It also allows an existing methane plant to be purchased but no new methane facilities to be built.
“The Michigan Environmental Council applauds the work of the diverse set of stakeholders that reached this historic settlement agreement,” said Charlotte Jameson, chief policy officer. “If approved by the Michigan Public Service Commission, the settlement will dramatically expand renewable energy in Michigan and ensure Consumers is 100% coal-free by 2025. It’s a huge milestone in combating the climate crisis and will put Michigan on track to reach its near-term carbon neutrality goals. We urge the Commission to approve the settlement and secure the climate, air and economic benefits that will result.”
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